Monday, February 1, 2016

I Am Not Alone

As I woke up today I remembered there was something significant to me than just the start of a new month; it was one month since I left home... Wow it seems a lot longer than that.  As I started the day I realized how thankful I am to be here and then remembered a song I have had on repeat lately.  I have always been a fan of Kari Jobe's music but the song, "I Am Not Alone" has taken on a whole new meaning to me.  I first heard it on her "Majestic" album about 8 months ago and immediately fell in love with the song.  My time is Haiti has continuously taught me how to rely on Him and know that He has gone before me. I wanted to share the words to the chorus of the song.  She writes this:
I am not alone
I am not alone
You will go before me
You will never leave me
It is this phrase that I have constantly rested on, repeated and prayed about.  As I have mentioned before my comfort zone and other barriers are slowly being challenge.  I am learning to trust Him and have faith that no matter the outcome He is in it.  My God is bigger than a fear or worry I have about being here.  It amazes me to think that all this was part of His plan for me all along.  

Looking back and resting in Him... I have learned a number of things in the 4 weeks I have been in Haiti:
1) Not everything will go according to plan and that is okay.  Just live in the moment and make the best of it. 
2) "Live It Up"- As my sweet friend, Ryan taught me... We must live life to the fullest and have no regrets.  She was my definition of strength and I'm trying to be as strong as she was.  
3) Embrace the culture: This past week Hallie and I took our first moto ride which lead to 3 more this past weekend.  We are becoming pros but I am still not sold on them.  The first one was an adventure to say the least.  I was your typical American girl who hugged the drivers belly and didn't care at all.  I closed my eyes half the ride and just prayed we made it there safe.  
4) Community is important and has helped make the weekends a little easier.  We have met some other Americans who range from living here for years to being here for two weeks. It's encouraging to hear their stories and experiences here. (Again I am not Alone)
4) To be stronger it is okay to have struggles, challenges and take risks.  Each of these things and more add character to who you.  Faith in God isn't a walking he park but if you are willing to step out He will challenge you and make you into something stronger.
First Moto Ride!!!!

Some friends at th pool!

Isaac caught the turkey so why not take a picture!

I pray this next month is just as refreshing and rewarding as the first one.  Thank you for continuously praying for me and following my journal.  I pray that you would begin this new month with a new start.  His mercies are new each day!

Love you all!

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